Friday, August 11, 2006

More news comes in on Tot Jot - The Denver Business Journal

This time, it's The Denver Business Journal (print edition), with a fine write-up on what we are up to. Big kudos to Bob Mook (on the story) and Kathleen Lavine (on the photos). Thanks!

We wanted to note two things for potential and existing subscribers. First, we will be offering a paid subscription service in the future, but only for those folks who don't want to see any advertisements. For free subscribers, nothing will change (except for more features and services, which will, uh, remain free)! Also, a note on we wouldn't be mentioning pictures right now if we didn't have something up our sleeve, would we? Of course not. Pictures are a lot closer than even we can believe - we should be making an announcement on that within...let's just say weeks (for safety's sake), and we think you are going to really like it.

Thanks very much,

The Tot Jot Team

PS: Here is a link to the online article - helps track kids growing up.


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