Friday, July 28, 2006

Answering questions, and keeping some notes beforehand

Answering questions is easy - just follow the directions below:

1) Log into your Child's Tale
2) Click on "Unanswered" under the Questions menu
3) Pick a question to answer - click on "answer/edit" to begin
4) Let your friends and family know how great your child is doing
5) Click the "Save Entry" button at the bottom of the page.

That's it!

Note that once you answer a question, that answer is automatically marked available for your friends to see. If you would like to keep that answer private, just select "Private" under Security options on the update page, before you save the answer. You can also keep notes on that question without actually answering it, by clicking on "Leave a comment" on the unanswered questions page - you can always delete those comments later if you like - just click the "X" next to that comment when viewing it.

Thanks again!

The Tot Jot Team


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