Sunday, October 29, 2006

Why little online lives are safe at Tot Jot

We read this report about teen fickleness regarding online services (centering on MySpace), and noted that a lot of kids and parents cited security and privacy as major issues...

Over the summer, Birnbaum's friend Chrissy Quantrille discovered an impostor had taken her photos off her MySpace profile, set up a fake page and even used it to establish a romantic virtual relationship with a boy in California...

Her profile also landed her in hot water when a boy she didn't like kept asking to be her online friend. "I kept deleting the message," she said. "He got mad."

This kind of stuff make you wonder why you'd want to put your baby's life on a social networking site? Well, it made us wonder too! That's why...

- Profiles at Tot Jot are all private, just to be safe...
- We make you log into your parent account, and again when you access your Child's Tale, just to be safe...
- Viewing any parent blog or Child's Tale is an invitation-only affair, and we make you confirm all accepted invitations, just to be safe...
- We allow you to choose what posts your Tot Jot "friends" see, just to be safe...
- We allow you to choose what pictures you want your Tot Jot "friends" to see, just to be safe...

We've noticed other sites heading in this direction, and we suspect it will be slow goings for them. We started this way - Tot Jot was built with safety and security and privacy in mind, from day one, because nothing is more precious (and worth keeping safe) than your child.

I guess you get the hint...we are just trying (and very much succeeding), in keeping you and your child safe :-).

Thanks again,

The Tot Jot Team

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Best wishes in Kona

Dick and Rick Hoyt are a father-and-son team from Massachusetts who together compete just about continuously in marathon races. And if they’re not in a marathon they are in a triathlon — that daunting, almost superhuman, combination of 26.2 miles of running, 112 miles of bicycling, and 2.4 miles of swimming. Together they have climbed mountains, and once trekked 3,735 miles across America.

It is hard to beat this story, and frankly, who would want too?

Not much else you can say but best wishes in Kona!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

While you're Tot Jotting, send your kids here..

You are banging away on your Child's Tale, and your toddler is screaming their head off in the playroom.  What do you do (since screaming yourself is not an option)? Why not bring them to KOL Junior, a new website being offered by AOL?


Stay-at-home Dads Get Together

Just a quick reminder to all you stay-at-home dads (who are Tot Jotting your days away, after feeding the kiddos, washing the clothes, changing the diapers, and all that jazz ;-)...

In cooperation with Women's and Family Centers at the University of Missouri, At-Home Dads Convention is being held in Kansas City this November 11th. For those of you who can't make it (which is probably plenty considering your schedule (see previously mentioned description), there will be a bit of blogging going on throughout the day. Check out Modern Day Dad and KC Home Dad for more on that day.

(h/t to Rebel Dad)

Monday, October 09, 2006

The kid blogs!

Georgie is five. He uses a microphone and voice recognition software to blog. I'll bet the words come out on screen just like they should. Ha.